Go ahead, update your forum status and see for yourself! Did I mention it inteigrates really well with the official Twitter? Our old bot was powered by RSS & Feedburner and was quite crude. There were other "social" plugins for XenForo but was the best because it is one is the only one that also worked with all our other plugins as well. You can easily share when you create an UTAU profile, post a resource, or update that voicebank download. Not only does it integrate with XenForo's core functionality but both of our other add-ons as well. This isn't some simple "share this" button but automatic (if you want it) sharing when you post status updates, create a thread, or reply. Improved social media integration for Facebook and Twitter.
Also, if you haven't noticed it will also display UTAU and the related Voicebank Download Resources right in your profile! Our previous attempt, now archived, was clunky, no one read the sticky and followed the proper template and was very time consuming as every submission was time consuming because we kept having to explain why peoples submissions were being rejected when they didn't follow the subforum's rules.īeyond having a forced template with a lot of required fields the new Showcase system has tags, a review system (don't even think of abusing it), and when version 2.2.0 of the add-on deploys (currently in RC1 beta phase) it will have an extremely useful filterable search. Much like the Wikidot and my attempt at earlier we finally have a formal UTAU profile system. Probably the single most anticipated feature of our XenForo transition. Do something good and I will "feature" it on the front page! I look forward to seeing what kind of content you submit soon. The plugin adds a neat way to organize content by adding version tracking, article ratings, version tracking, article "watching", and automatic discussions threads. This plug-in lets us manage various 'resources' including Voicebank Downloads, Tutorials, USTs, Reclists, MIDIs, and more. As they were all added without much fanfare I will be going over them in some detail. The Kickstarter funds finally cleared and we have been implementing a lot of new features. For those of you keeping track in the XenForo Transition Thread we have gone through some MASSIVE changes this past long weekend.